SoMAS Ocean Glider Program

Cruise SBU02-01

February 22, 2023
Deployed ~5 miles south of Shinnecock Inlet from the RV Parker at 40o 48.151', 72o 25.908'
Mission started on February 22, 2023 at 2012 GMT
The glider was recovered on March18, 2023 off Atlantic City with the help of SeaTow

The new G3s, designated as SBU02, was deployed for the winter DEC seasonal cruise on February 22, 2023 south of Shinnecock as before.  The new glider behaved well sending data ashore.  However, currents in the MAB at this time were unusually high averaging as much as a knot to the west and southwest.  Given the glider's speed through the water of about 0.3 m/s the glider had a difficult time completing the first leg of the cruise out to the edge of the shelf.  As a result it became clear that we were not going to be able to complete the cruise track as planned and in fact were not going to able to make it as far north as the usual pickup point off Manaquan Inlet.  So the glider was diverted to an area off Atlantic City and the glider was recovered on March 18th with the help of the SeaTow group out of Atlantic City.

Webpage with near realtime data

Matfile with post cruise data