Retrieving tidal constituents data


The data in the *.v2c and *s2c files are the tidal amplitudes and phase for each of the 5 primary constituents (M2,S2,N2,K1 and O1) plus a mean (Zo). Each file also has the number of hours in the simulation, the starting time, the node factor (f) and equilibrium argument (Vu) for this data, and the constituent frequency. The reference time for the tidal calculation is the MIDDLE of the simulation, obtained by adding one half the simulation duration to the start time. The equilibrium argument is in revolutions while the tidal phase at each grid point is in degrees. (Sorry). The equilibrium argument needs to be converted to degrees or both the equilibrium argument and the phase need to be converted to radians. The tidal frequency is given in radians per second. Thus, one version of calculating the tidal estimate is the following: H = f*amplitude*cos(Vu - phase + 2*pi*(time-ref_time)/period)), where everything has been converted to radians and consistent time units.

Click the link below to get each tidal constituents:

Tidal Currents: 

    M2 tide
    S2 tide
    N2 tide
    K1 tide
    O1 tide
    Mean tide

Sea Surface Heights: 

    M2 tide
    S2 tide
    N2 tide
    K1 tide
    O1 tide
    Mean tide